PCS are pleased to offer comprehensive training services to the paper, board and tissue making community via their partner organisation, PITA
The Paper Industry Technical Association (known colloquially as PITA) has supported paper manufacturing and supplier organisations for over a century. Part of this offer continues to be targeted training courses to boost general or specific knowledge on a variety of subjects. These courses are presented by industry professionals who have years (sometimes decades) of experience to impart. Courses available include:
- Paper Awareness: Our least technical course, giving a general overview of the industry, mainly for non-technical staff and new-starters. No previous knowledge is assumed.
- Modern Papermaking: Undoubtedly our most popular course, it gives a general (technical) overview of the industry and is aimed mainly at those new to the sector who have a technical (scientific or engineering) background. No previous knowledge of the sector is assumed.
- Fundamentals of Wastewater Treatment: An occasional course, this is highly technical and aimed at those who manage or operate wastewater treatment plants. The opportunity to bring samples from mills is offered.
- Introduction to Wet End Chemistry: Chemistry underpins everything in the modern paper industry. This course gives chemists the tools they need to understand and control what happens in the wet end of a paper machine.
- Fundamentals of Papermaking: Our most technical course, offered by Papierzentrum Gernsbach, Germany’s premier Paper School. This is the highest-level technical course offered in the UK, and most certainly does require prior knowledge of how a paper machine operates.
- EPC Permits: Our newest offering, this specialist training course introduces an entirely new subject never-before covered in the UK, examining environmental issues as they affect the UK paper manufacturing sector. As such it is essential training for all whose jobs include aspects of environmental permitting or compliance.
- Introduction to Food Contact: Another highly specialist course looking at an increasingly important subject for packaging suppliers.
- Introduction to Tissue: Similar to Modern Papermaking, but with extra elements on such esoteric areas as softness, bulk, and specialist testing etc, in place of some general papermaking elements. Tissue is a major growth area for the UK making this a must-attend course.

The current courses available can be found here: https://www.pita.org.uk/what-we-do/events-activities/the-pita-calendar / ; for further information contact Daven Chamberlain (T: 0300 3020 159 / E: daven@pita.co.uk) Asian Enquiries : Khairel.Azmi@pm-consults.com